Playback FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions


The video is not playing smoothly. How can I fix this?


Video playback depends on several factors. To improve your playback experience, make sure you have a fast, stable Internet connection. We recommend using the most recent version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari. You may experience playback issues with outdated devices and browsers and if your Internet connection is not fast.


During a live program, if you experience playback issues like buffering, lag, or frozen video, here are two things to try:


1) Refresh the page in your browser,


2) Click on the tool gear in the lower right corner of the video player and manually reduce the quality level of your playback. The smaller the number, the less bandwidth is required.


If you continue to experience problems watching the live program, remember that you will be able to watch the recording of the program for 45 days following the event.


Can I watch videos on my Smart TV using Chromecast and AirPlay?


Yes!  Both Chromecast and Airplay are compatible with our site.


To use Chromecast: Locate the Chromecast icon in the bottom right corner of the video you want to cast.  Click the icon and select the correct Chromecast from the pop-up in your browser.


To use AirPlay: Open the video on your apple device and click the AirPlay icon in the bottom left corner.


Can I watch videos on my TV if it's not a Smart TV?


Yes. If your TV has an HDMI port, you can connect your laptop directly to your TV with an HDMI cable, which will enable you to watch videos from our site on your TV.


Can I watch videos on my phone or tablet without using an app?


Yes. Our video channel adapts to phone and tablet browsers so you can watch our content anywhere!


Which browsers are supported?


While we recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome, we also support Firefox and Safari browser released within the last five years.  You may experience playback issues when using an out of date browser or any version of Internet Explorer.


Need more help?


Online Viewing Tech Support:


Important: During our live programs, we will be focused exclusively on help requests coming into, so please do not call, send emails to other Forum addresses, text staff members, or message us via Facebook or other social media.


Please be specific about your issue so we can respond in a way that's helpful and include your phone number.


During the live programs, we will not have time to assist you with your Smart TV settings, so please test your setup well in advance of the program, so you'll be set to go!


At times other than during a live program, if you need technical assistance, please still contact us at Our response may not be as rapid as during a live program, but we will respond as soon as possible.